lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

Icpna Articles: Was PUNK born in Perú?

Maybe, the most common question for many of us, peruvian musicians.

Well, the answer is YES. :D But, wait, if Punk is peruvian, what happend with Ramones or Sex Pistols, the fathers of punk? Well, they follow one band... To be more specfic, one peruvian band. Which band? Ladies and Gentlemen, let me present you to... LOS SAICOS.

It was mids of 1964 and in the Peruvian district of Lince starts to hear the first riff of what would be the beginning of a whole new generation...

Erwin Flores, lead vocals and rythm guitar. Rolando Carpio, lead guitar. Cesar "Papi" Castrillón, vocals and bass guitar. And Pancho Guevara, drumms and vocals. All of them with, aprox, 17-year-old started a new genaration, a new music genre, they started PUNK.

Many years, people consider that Punk born in the US with Ramones and in the UK with Sex Pistols. But, a few years ago, and spanish music magazine reveled that punk born here, in Perú, with lince band. And now, Los Saicos, are considered the creators of punk. Obviously, including Perú.

But, punkers wear dirty clothes, broken jeans and dirty long hair. Well, not at all... What was the diference with Los Saicos? Well, the play like the Beatles. Like The Beatles? Yes, like them. They wear coats, pants, shirts, ties and shoes. Oh, they also had short hair.

So, in conclussion, punk is peruvian. HELL YEAH!

And, as Saicos used to sing... Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ya ya ya ya yaaaa...

Was PUNK born in Perú?

Maybe, the most common question for many of us, peruvian musicians.

Well, the answer is YES. :D But, wait, if Punk is peruvian, what happend with Ramones or Sex Pistols, the fathers of punk? Well, the follow one band... To be more specfic, one peruvian banda. Which band? Ladies and Gentlemen, let me present you to... LOS SAICOS.

It was mids of 1964 and in the Peruvian district of Lince starts to hear the first riff of what would be the beginning of a whole new generation...

Erwin Flores, lead vocals and rythm guitar. Rolando Carpio, lead guitar. Cesar "Papi" Castrillón, vocals and bass guitar. And Pancho Guevara, drumms and vocals. All of them with, aprox, 17-year-old started a new genaration, a new music genre, they started PUNK.

Many years, people consider that Punk born in the US with Ramones and in the UK with Sex Pistols. But, a few years ago, and spanish music magazine reveled that punk born here, in Perú, with lince band. And now, Los Saicos, are considered the creators of punk. Obviously, including Perú.

But, punkers wear dirty clothes, broken jeans and dirty long hair. Well, not at all... What was the diference with Los Saicos? Well, the play like the Beatles. Like The Beatles? Yes, like them. They wear coats, pants, shirts, ties and shoes. Oh, they also had short hair.

So, in conclussion, punk is peruvian. HELL YEAH!

And, as Saicos used to sing... Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ya ya ya ya yaaaa...

Do you play sports or dance?

·         I was doing some tests lately for the University and I found an interested but common question which is “Do you play sports or dance?”
·         And I don’t feel any creative at all in this moment, so this is going to be my topic about.

·         Do you play sports or dance?

No...I used to play karate, swimming, tennis and basketball, those are the sports that I practiced more when I was little. My mom has always this strange idea of playing sports makes you smarter or something like that….my grades were the worst, although I practice so many sports. That’s why my mom said that if I couldn’t be the best in studies, I will be in sports….but I give up. I do love sports, but not in the competitive sense.

I also danced, well, I was a bad dancer. I have to be honest. I was not the best haha…okay…
My Dad told me to be a pretty girl and do some ballet or “modern” dance, which was not at all modern. At first I tried to dance ballet, oh god! Even my sister, who is so nice and concern about my feelings, started to cry of laugh…. It was embarrassing.... so I tried to do some modern dance and I really enjoyed it…

So that’s it. As I said early is an interested but common question so do it (if you want….of course)

Don't drive here LIMA

Don't drive here is a Discovery Channel's program that showed the chaotic traffic here in Lima. I have to confess I felt bad when I saw this documentary.

Well as we know here in Lima we have different kind of vehicles to move from one point to another point, but Do we respect traffic rules? I don't think so. Most of the people who live in Lima suffer the traffic jam every day where also sometimes cars are the responsibles of lots car accidents.

I recomend you to watch this documentary about traffic in lima and check by your own how terrible it is live here.

Well At the end of this video I guess that we are agree about the bad things which are happening every day on roads. So we have much to do to change traffic in lima. In my opinion the problem begin from public transportation drivers up to private drivers because all the time drivers want to be the first on the roads, and they just ignore traffic signals and also ignore traffic lights specially after midnight. So where are our policemen? It is assumed that they are there to enforce the traffic rules.

At the end of it I have to say that Peru and also Lima have beautiful things where tourist can enjoy in their visit but traffic is considered one of the worse things that a tourist could experience

Synthesizer is making the sound of the future

Now a day, music has suffered many changes, some of them are good and others not so good, but there's an instrument which is changing the way that producers are using in order to create new sounds in a track or a song and this instrument is called synthesizer.

Maybe some of you are asking to yourself. What is a Synthesizer?

Well, A sound synthesizer is an electronic instrument capable of producing a wide range of sounds also Synthesizers may imitate other instruments or generate new timbres. They can be controlled via a variety of different input devices such as keyboards, music sequencers and instrument controllers.

Here is an example about the sound of the future

Well. In the video I've showed, the producers have been using synthesizers and the result was this amazing soundtrack. They are called Daft-Punk a couple of french Dj/Producers.

For me this is the new way how producers are changing music around the world. The synthesizers are used to make every kind of music that we could imagine in each music genre such as Pop, Rock, House, D&B, etc. 

In my opinion synthesizer has a lot to give for the music world. Just enjoy listening new sounds, here is one.

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013




Last week i was watching one of my favorite tv series of all the times: The wonderful years. This tv American serie started with a voice of a mature man that remember  how was his adolescence living with his parents, brother and sister.

The main character is Kevin Arnold, a teenager boy who lives in the suburbs of New York. He has an stressfull father, a sweet mother, an annoyed brother and a relaxed sister.

Kevin has a best friend. His best friend name’s Paul, and intelligent, shy, not cute jewish boy.

Kevin has had girlfriends, but his “true love” is Winnie Cooper, a beautiful young lady whose house is across from Kevin’s house.


jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

La casa matusita... True or fake?

In our peruvian lives we all, at least one time, have listened about La Casa Matusita. This old yellow house in the Avenida España.
The legend goes that the house was the scene of a horrible crime; one story claims that a Japanese-Peruvian slaughtered his family and the committed suicide, while another holds that a formal dinner party turned into a massacre after the guests were given hallucinogens.

Ever since, reports are that the second floor has been haunted, with no one able to enter and maintain his or her sanity. In the 1960s, a television reporter was alleged to have gone crazy after entering the building in an effort to prove believers wrong. The second floor remains allegedly remains vacant.
Skeptics have another explanation, however. They say that the ghost stories were invented by the US Embassy, which was located next door during the height of the Cold War. The diplomats feared that someone hiding in the house could spy on the embassy, and fabricated the stories to keep people out.

In the personal way, I've to say something. Years ago, at the left of the house was the school Nazareno. Well, my dad studied there. He told me that 5th grade was at the side of this house. He told me that when the were punished, the have to stay the night at the school, cleaning it. Many nights the heard like dragging chains or how the doors be strongly closed. Nowadays his school is a hostel still being at the side of the house. Fake or not, I want to enter to this house and see what really happens, but who knows?...