Mamoru Miyano (or Miyano Mamoru, in Japanese the lastname comes firts) is an example of this. He's one of the best seiyu's in all Japan. He started his career in 1990 giving his voice to Riku, a character of the Video Game "Kingdom Hearts". I knew about him because of Death Note. The main character of this anime has his voice and I really like it. Mamoru is also a singer. He started in 2007, with his firts single "Koun" that means "Eternity". He married in 2008 and now has a son with his wife.
For me he is the best Seiyu and a great person. I really admire him, because although he is famous, he's simple and sincere. He really loves his fans and he demonstrates it with every action he does. He's very funny and is not ashamed to be as he actually is, he doesn't make false personalities to please others or to look cool and that's why all his fans love and admire him.
If you are curious about him, here I leave one of his songs. The name is "Hikari, Hikaru", it can be translated as "Shining light". Hope you like it!
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